Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wine Cheese and Chocolate!

Another busy week! My mother and I went on a mini-pilgrimage last weekend, and our bus back got cancelled because of the snow storm, so we got back Sunday evening. After we got home, my mother and I talked to my grandparents about our trip, so we slept in a little bit on Monday. After school, I made five more wallets for the Divine Mercy Care fundraiser I told you about.
The tape has hearts on it because Divine Mercy Care's motto is "Transforming hearts through health care", and also because St. Valentine's Day is coming up.

When we got to the fundraiser, I gave them the $36 you all helped me to donate! I put cards from inside the wallets (thanks to my mother for being on facebook and twitter). We decided to include the wallets in the raffle, and I hope the winners prayed about where to put the cards and the people who find them.

A lady from Church donated $20 so I can buy more tape. God is so good! My mother says that God does big things with the little things we give and do, like when Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fish.

Speaking of multiplying fish, Happy Ash Wednesday, everyone! We are giving up the internet (but I will blog if anything interesting happens), sweets, television, and movies (except religious movies). What are you giving up?

Thank you again for all your help with raising $36 for Divine Mercy Care!

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